Tell Us You're Using an Open Textbook

This form is used to track the usage (adoption) of open textbooks by post-secondary instructors in the classroom.

Please fill out the following form if you are an instructor who has adopted an open textbook from either the B.C. Open Collection or another collection. If you are using an open course pack, please see the Open Course Materials Adoption form.

BCcampus is required to track B.C. faculty adoptions as part of our accountability agreement with BC’s Ministry of Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills. See Known Open Textbook Adoptions in B.C. for details about how adoptions are defined and posted.

Open Textbook Adoption Form

    Contact information

    First name *

    Last name *

    Institutional email *

    Select your institution. *
    (Select “Other” if your institution is not listed, then add the name to the “Other institution” field below.)

    Other institution

    Textbook details

    Title of adopted open textbook *

    Cost of textbook replaced by open textbook *

    Program and Course for which an open textbook is used

    Program name

    Course code *

    Course name *

    Number of course sections per term *

    Number of students enrolled per course section *

    Adoption terms

    Are you using this open textbook this term? *

    Have you used this open textbook in the past? If so, check all relevant terms.
    Sep-Dec 2012Jan-Apr 2013May-Aug 2013
    Sep-Dec 2013Jan-Apr 2014May-Aug 2014
    Sep-Dec 2014Jan-Apr 2015May-Aug 2015
    Sep-Dec 2015Jan-Apr 2016May-Aug 2016
    Sep-Dec 2016Jan-Apr 2017May-Aug 2017
    Sep-Dec 2017Jan-Apr 2018May-Aug 2018
    Sep-Dec 2018Jan-Apr 2019May-Aug 2019
    Sep-Dec 2019Jan-Apr 2020May-Aug 2020
    Sep-Dec 2020Jan-Apr 2021May-Aug 2021
    Sep-Dec 2021Jan-Apr 2022May-Aug 2022
    Sep-Dec 2022Jan-Apr 2023May-Aug 2023
    Sep-Dec 2023Jan-Apr 2024

    Is this an ongoing adoption? *

    If yes, check all terms you plan to use this textbook.
    Sep-Dec 2024Jan-Apr 2025May-Aug 2025
    Sep-Dec 2025


    May we share your name and institution with other faculty interested in open textbook adoptions?

    May we publish your name and institution on this website as part of our adoption reporting?

    If you know of any colleagues who are using an open textbook, or have comments or questions, please use the box below.

    By submitting this form, you give BCcampus permission to share this information with faculty, staff and students at your identified institution. This condition applies only to British Columbia and the Yukon.

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